DL100 and Citizen Improvers

DL100 Nominations and Citizen Improvers
Last week was another great week for us between reviewing processes for another DL100 nominee in Devon County Council and presenting a session on supply chains and the beer game for SW Peer Group of Localgovdigital we ended the week with fantastic news that we had been shortlisted in 2 categories for DL100 awards. We are nominated for Digital SME and Public Service Innovation categories. We are up against some great opposition in both categories and please take the time to vote in the DL100 Awards.
We set out with a vision and a mission in mind a couple of years ago when we started after finding Engage Process Software by chance. The quality of the software and the benefits were immediately apparent and backed by the huge and growing user base in the Netherlands. We could see through our work in the Public Sector how vital and useful the tool was in helping improve processes and find intelligent savings. The last couple of years have been hard bringing a new piece of software to a country is hard work and specifically so when you are trying to break into the public sector who all require multiple references and ideally close by them.
We have been really lucky to encounter some forward thinking organisations who were willing to take a chance and become early adopters massive thanks has to go to all of our customers but the first Portsmouth City Council have to get a special mention to taking that leap and giving us a reference site thanks to Dean Pratt, Sara Harkness and Gemma Cochran.
Our vision and mission is simple to get the software into as many organisations as possible and to knowledge transfer and train their staff to build sustainable improvement capability using the best tools. From our public sector background we are big supporters of the sector and we strongly believe that we are right to focus on the software and training versus being commissioned to deliver work as consultants. We are focusing on building Citizen Improvers and over the next year we will be expanding our training/knowledge transfer offer to continue to develop capacity within your organisations to meet the Digital and budgetary challenges.
We are lucky enough to be able to work with so many different organisations and to help them along their change journey. Every workshop and training session is an opportunity to grow and share our knowledge. Last week we ran the Beer Game for the Localgovdigital SW Peer Group looking at supply chains within our services designed by MIT in the 60’s it still is relevant now and it helps it includes beer! Its great to be working with Devon County Council at the moment and is the first time i have worked in an organisation that has sought to understand its processes before procuring a solution. We are going to do some more blogs on supply chains in the Public Sector shortly.
I loved attending the DL100 launch event and it was truly inspiring to be in the same room as some illustrious names and to hear what people have been doing in the digital space.
If you are interested in understanding why to use our software we have put together a little ready reckoner to give you a business case to help. Using our software we mapped the traditional mapping workshop vs using our tools and the figures identified relate to time saving for analysts by creating a model live in a workshop and sharing/collaborating digitally immediately. There are many other beneficial aspects but for the moment lets look purely at ROI. Try our calculator here or below