In the NHS would it be useful to understand the costs of your processes?

Quality Improvement Software to Help
There are many NHS and health related staff who are looking to apply Quality Improvement techniques to improve services for patients and to be able to compete with demands rising faster than budgets. There is a tool used in other sectors that can help you improve that process.
The NHS long term plan sets out ambitious targets for change in delivery and improvements in NHS services. The ‘how to achieve this element’ is falling to the individual services to deliver this change. Lack of time and resources is a challenge to meeting these outcomes.
Increased demands, staff shortages and targets are putting ever more pressure on our resources. Whilst dealing with the day job organisations also need to identify tangible savings in their services. This can be difficult and time-consuming with current techniques and limited numbers of Quality Improvement people.
Isn’t there a better way?
There is, and many Public and Private Sector Organisations are already using it
We have software that helps you understand, map, cost, improve, engage and understand the benefits of Quality Improvement applied to your processes. It is mature software from the Netherlands where for example over 50% of Local Government organisations use it to apply lean techniques to their processes.
We understand the challenges you have and the need for improvement. The NHS is facing very similar challenges to those experienced in the wider Public Sector. The NHS has not had the same budgetary cuts but this is offset by increasing demands and workforce shortages as well as the challenges associated with a potential set of Brexit scenarios.
We work with over 30 Public Sector organisations helping them improve the way they understand, continuously improve and understand the quantified benefits of the changes. We are supporting them to grow quality improvement skills using market-leading software. We provide expert knowledge, training, and coaching to help you develop an ongoing sustainable capability to drive continuous improvement.
So, what is the catch?
In truth there is none.
In relations to costs they are very reasonable in terms of getting started a typical organisation could start with a Gold licence with 10 named users and 2 concurrent for less than £7k pa. With 2 days onsite training/bespoke set up for 10 people you would still be less than £10k cost.
But let’s forget about the cost and the fact it easily pays for itself with the efficiency it delivers for a moment. Before you spend a penny, we want you to prove its value for yourselves. We are so passionate about the value of the software we give you a free demo, free months trial and free getting started 1.5 hour webinar training too. There is no cost to you seeing if our claims are true and being able to study it for yourself and prove the value.
We try to make this easy for you to evaluate without risk or any commitments. We want to invest time in proving the benefits to you.
So why not give it a go?
If you are applying or thinking of applying QI (or any other process improvement techniques) to deliver improvements and savings, then genuinely this software offers huge value in that process. If you aren’t applying QI (or other techniques) why not?
If you would like to speed up delivery of QI, improve quality, get better outcomes and engage the organisation in the process then please do get in touch for a demo contact us
We can help you
• Save time on Quality Improvement (QI)
• Get a better understanding of your processes/services and start to understand the tangible benefits of improving them.
• Engage everyone in QI more easily
• Govern and prioritise better
• We provide support, training and coaching for your teams
You can:
• Start to alleviate some of the pressures by doing better QI faster.
• Start to make better decisions about what improvements you should take forward based on a business case driven approach.
You really do have nothing to lose.
Don’t just trust us – what do our customers say?
“We’ve been using Engage Process Modeller since our project commenced over 2 years ago, we are able to use this invaluable tool to help us re-design processes. By capturing existing processes, being able to accurately cost and time them as well as easily identify waste it allows us, along with business experts for the service area to redesign the process taking advantage of the new technology at our disposal. We find the Engage Process Modeller easy to get to grips with, but crucially we are able to extract data from it to showcase the digital transformation of our roll-outs. Being able to use that data to track ongoing ROI, to help provide confidence to senior management and to showcase the outputs our project is delivering is a huge asset.”
Steven Watt, Perth and Kinross Council
“By providing training and licences to our staff across the council we have been able to equip them with the tools and techniques to be apply marginal gains and continuous improvement methodologies across our organisation. We have been able to capture and improve hundreds of processes across the organisation identifying the benefits of change. This has helped us to ensure we take the right projects forward in the right priority order. This is so important given the challenging improvement targets we face as an organisation. We have raised the skill levels for continuous improvement and embedded sustainable capability in the organisation. This was all achieved by our small improvement team with just a couple of days training from the company.”
Greg Malkin, City of Edinburgh Council